Socket IPC Communication
Public Member Functions
SocketIPCSender Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - initWithPortNumber:andAddress:
(BOOL) - writeDataToSocket:

Member Function Documentation

- (id) initWithPortNumber: (NSUInteger)  aPortNumber
andAddress: (NSString*)  aAddress 
  • Method name: initWithPortNumber:andAddress
  • Purpose: Create new socket for writing data, FxException would raise if socket cannot create, configure option and connecting to host IP
  • Argument list and description: aPortNumber, port number; aAddress, an IP address of host
  • Return description: an instance of SocketIPCSender
- (BOOL) writeDataToSocket: (NSData*)  aRawData
  • Method name: writeDataToSocket
  • Purpose: Send data to another end (host) of socket
  • Argument list and description: aRawData, data which need to send
  • Return description: Return TRUE if data is sent or FALSE otherwise

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