Event repository manager  1.0
Core component to store events
Public Member Functions
EventRepositoryManager Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for EventRepositoryManager:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - initWithEventQueryPriority:
(void) - openRepository
(void) - closeRepository
(void) - deleteRepository

Member Function Documentation

- (void) closeRepository
  • Method name: closeRepository
  • Purpose: An instance method use to close the connection to database, after call this method caller must call open repository again if they want to access to database with other methods
  • Argument list and description: No argument
  • Return description: No return
- (void) deleteRepository
  • Method name: deleteRepository
  • Purpose: An instance method use to close, delete and reopen the connection to database
  • Argument list and description: No argument
  • Return description: No return
- (id) initWithEventQueryPriority: (EventQueryPriority*)  aQueryPriority
  • Method name: initWithEventQueryPriority
  • Purpose: An instance methode use to allocate object of EventRepositoryManager class
  • Argument list and description: aQueryPriority, event query priority and it stored event type order to query
  • Return description: Return object of EventRepositoryManager
- (void) openRepository
  • Method name: openRepository
  • Purpose: An instance method use to open connection to repository database, after initialize the object must call this method before call other methods in order to open the connection
  • Argument list and description: No argument
  • Return description: No return

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