The latest Linux guide for HSDPA/CDMA AirCards and MiniCards


Please note: This guide is unsupported and is provided to the Linux user community as a courtesy. This document and associated drivers, scripts, and executable files are provided by Sierra Wireless "AS IS" without warranty of any kind.


Linux users who would like to install and run the Sierra Wireless  Modems on 3G Networks can use this document as a guide. The modem will be used as a serial modem, and it is not possible to use AT commands or send SMS with an active data session.


This driver is a freeware; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of  the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.


This guide is for Linux users who would like to install and use a Sierra Wireless device on a recent kernel (2.6.18 or newer). If there is interest regarding other kernel versions please e-mail


Features such as the proprietary control and status protocol (CNS), SMS and advanced power management are not covered.

Note: Sierra Wireless submits driver updates and patches to the public Linux distribution found at



Supported devices:


Device Type




AC580, AC595, AC597E

AC875, AC880, AC880E, AC881, AC880E

USB Dongles



Mini Cards

MC5720, MC5725

MC8755, MC8765, MC8785, MC8780, MC8781

MP Modems




PC5220, EM5625




** Aircard 880U/881U not suported.  We will support these products  next release.

Downloads :

Kernel 2.6.18+  

            1.Download the sierra.c driver(v.1.0.6b) file

            2. Download the pppd scripts file

            * Kernel2.6.21


            1.Download thesierra.c driver(v.1.2.5)file

            2. Download the pppd scripts file



Pre-installation Notes:

IMPORTANT!! If you have a CDMA device and it has not yet been activated you must first use the device on a Windows system with the supplied connection manager. Some carriers do pre-activation, however it is still recommended to first try the device on a Windows machine.


It is suggested to first check to see if your system already has the sierra driver:

# modinfo sierra


If the result is “Could not find module sierra” then the driver is not installed.

Otherwise check to see if the version of the installed driver is older or newer than the one posted here (if there is no version, it is older).


In order to install the driver it is suggested to have the latest kernel and kernel build tools installed on the system.


Driver Installation Instructions:

To install the driver the kernel source code will need to be downloaded and located at /usr/src/linux. Depending on the distribution it varies quite a lot, typically the distro package manager (e.g.  yum, yast, and apt) can do this (try searching in them for ‘kernel source’).


1.       Move to the driver package directory and extract the source.

# cd <directory of source>

# tar –zxf

# cd sierra.v.X.Y.Z


2.       If an older version of the sierra driver is installed, unload it.

# rmmod sierra



3.       Become root and browse to the directory where ‘Makefile’ and ‘sierra.c’ are located.


# su

# cd /<directory>



4.       Compile and install the driver

# make

# make install


That’s it; the driver should now be installed.


Connecting to the network

Connecting to the network is done at some level with the use of the ppp daemon, pppd. This program can be either invoked directly at the command prompt by the user, or it can be indirectly launched and configured by a front end GUI. Typically most end-users prefer using a GUI such as KPPP.


Connect using KPPP:

This requires that kppp is installed, if it is not try using your package manager to install it (e.g. yum, apt, yast).


1.       Become root and execute kppp.

$ su

# kppp &

2.       Configure the account.

a.       Click on ‘Configure’ or ‘Setup’

b.       Select the ‘Accounts’ tab and click ‘New’

c.       Click ‘Manual Setup’

d.       Fill in the Connection name with “WWAN”

e.       Add the phone number

                                                  i.      GSM/UMTS devices: *99#

                                                 ii.      CDMA devices: #777

f.         Select PAP/CHAP for authentication

g.       Click ‘OK’

3.       Configure the modem.

a.       If not on Configuration screen click ‘Configure’

b.       Select the ‘Modems’ tab and click ‘New’

c.       Type in the modem name in ‘Modem name’

d.       Select /dev/ttyUSB0 as the device

e.       Flow control should be Hardware

f.         If using a GSM/UMTS Device:

                                                   i.      Click the ‘Modem’ tab and then the ‘Modem Commands…’ button

                                                 ii.      Put at+cgdcont=1,"IP","<APN>" in the ‘Initialization String 1’ field where APN is the network <APN> ( ISP.CINGULAR for Cingular, if it is not known we suggest contacting your carrier).

e.g. at+cgdcont=1,"IP","ISP.CINGULAR"

g.       Save changes and exit configuration.

4.       Enter user name and password (contact carrier).

5.       Click ‘Connect’.


Connect using PPP:

1.       Move to the directory that contains pppd-scripts.tar.gz and extract.

$ cd /<directory>

$ tar –zxf pppd-scripts.tar.gz

2.       Become root and copy the files to the ppp/peers directory.

# su

# cp –r ./ppp /etc/

# cd /etc/ppp

# chmod a+x ip-up.local ip-down.local

3.       If using a GSM/UMTS device (MC87XX, AC8XX) you must set the authentication settings, otherwise skip this step.

# cd /etc/ppp/peers

# vi ./gsm_chat (can use other editing programs, emacs, gedit)

    • Go to the APN section and replace the listed APN with that of your provider (contact your provider).
    • There are a few sample APN lines listed that are commented out that can be tried.
    • Save and exit.


4.       Test the connection (normally must be root to run pppd).

For CDMA devices:

# pppd call CDMA


For GSM/UMTS devices:

# pppd call GSM


5.       If step 4 does not succeed, further authentication may be required. Edit the gsm script file.

# vi ./gsm (Can use other editing programs, emacs, gedit)

·         Put a ‘#’ next to the “noauth” line (this comments out the line).

·         Remove the ‘#’ next to the user and password lines.

·         Fill with the appropriate user and password (contact provider)


Using AT Commands – CDMA Devices

AT commands should be issued to endpoint 2 (/dev/ttyUSB0) on CDMA devices and cannot be used during a connection (Heatherington escape method is not supported). Usage of the proprietary control and status protocol (CNS) on /dev/ttyUSB1 is not yet supported on Linux.


The RSSI (signal quality) can be obtained issuing the command with any terminal application:

(e.g. Minicom)




A range from   -60 dbm to -90 dBm can be considered adequate. 




The command reports if the modem is online. In case the modem is in LPM (low power mode)-the Radio part is off.  To turn the radio On, issue the AT command 



The same command will report the modem “Online”. For AirCards, you will notice the LED in the card will turn on.


Using AT Commands – GSM/UMTS Devices

Systems using the AC875/MC8775 and later MiniCards should issue AT commands/queries to /dev/ttyUSB0  and can be used while a data connection is established on /dev/ttyUSB2. 


All other devices (all AirCards and preceding MiniCards) should issue AT commands/queries to  /dev/ttyUSB0. However if a ppp connection is established on that port,  AT commands can not be used.


** Please use the command wvdialconf and dmesg to determine the actual ports identified in your computer.



Usage of the proprietary control and status protocol (CNS) on /dev/ttyUSB1 is not yet supported on Linux.


The RSSI (signal quality) can be obtained issuing the command with any terminal application:

(e.g. Minicom)


The first number indicates the signal strength above -109 dBm (in 2 dBm increments). A value of 7 or higher (-95 dBm) can be considered adequate.




It provides you which service does you have in your area. The command reports if the modem is online. In case the modem is in LPM (low power mode)-the Radio part is off.  To turn the radio on issue the AT command



The same command will report the modem “Online”. For AirCards, you will notice the LED in the card will turn On.


Copyright © Sierra Wireless, 2007