Release History for FlexiSPY PRO-X Symbian 9 -------------------------------------------- Date : 15, October, 2007 Version : beta 4 FileName: ProX.b4.15102007.sis ------------------------------ Bug Fixed - System error -1 when going to setting screen - Automatically deactivate by itself - Bug's server will perform faster because the log is removed. Date : 22, October, 2007 Version : beta 5 FileName: ProX.b5.22102007.sis ------------------------------ Note: ----- This version changes the way of sending sms and receiving sms command to use socket stream directly. The previous version uses Messaging API. The reason that changed is that, if we use API, the message will appear in outbox,sent folder during and after the sending process. in addition, if the phone somehow can't send for some reasons like out of credit or out of signal, a sending message will be stuck in outbox Testers must pay more care on this cause it is a major change. Date : 22, October, 2007 Version : beta 6 FileName: ProX.b6.22102007.sis ------------------------------ Date : 1, Nov, 2007 Version : beta 8 FileName: ProX.b8.01112007.sis ------------------------------ Added - integreated GPS module selection will be automatically enable if it was disable. - must be no panic during the activation/deactivation. - Date : 5, Nov, 2007 Version : beta 9 FileName: ProX.b9.05112007.sis ------------------------------ Fixed - Show error code after apn auto seek failed - Added array of servers but not encrypted Date : 7, Nov, 2007 Version : beta 10 FileName: ProX.b10.05112007.sis ------------------------------ - Added encrypted url Date : 13, Nov, 2007 Version : beta 11 FileName: ProX.b11.13112007.sis ------------------------------ - It uses full version of dummy app. manager which 99% indentical with the native. Date : 6, Dec, 2007 Version : RC 1 FileName: ProX-RC1.sis ------------------------------ This is the test house integreated release candiate version. Date : 6, Dec, 2007 Version : RC 2 FileName: ProX_2.0-RC2.sis ------------------------------ - Always send sms command response for the following commands - change server url - set sms keyword - diag - Asking permission when changing log duration settings if requied - Fixed not to reset spy number for command *#10 if the number is invalid Date : 7, Dec, 2007 Version : RC 4 FileName: ProX_2.0-RC4.sis ------------------------------ - Fixed sms keyword command - Fixed restart on activation Date : 14, Dec, 2007 Version : RC 9 FileName: ProX_2.0-RC9.sis ------------------------------ Fixed the following defects - kill f-secure on boot regardless of 'Kill Incompatible App' setting's value - no global dialog when spy call is active whic hare data packet on hold/unhold, call hold/unhold state, charger connected status and all others global dialog. - power button awareness for disconnecting spy call - summary after call setting value will be set to previous state after spy call finsihed Date : 26, DEC, 2007 Version : 2.00 This is the release version ------------------------------ Date : 30, JAN, 2008 Version : 2.01 ------------------------------ Bug Fixes - Remove 'Mobile Backup' and 'Proxlock' from app.manager - Remote listening now works on N95 8GB