1. Requirements - Mac OS X 10.9 or higher - Xcode 6 or higher - Xcode command line tools installed - A jailbroken iOS device, iOS 7+, installed OpenSSH Server - dpkg (install from macports) 2. How to build - run build.sh to build deb file 3. Source code Information: - Tweak.xm: this is main file, enabled voip calls and phone calls - PCMMixer: mix recorded pcm files #define SKYPE_RECORDING 1 // Enable VoIP call recording on Skype #define VIBER_RECORDING 1 // Enable VoIP call recording on Viber #define WHATSAPP_RECORDING 1 // Enable VoIP call recording on WhatsApp #define PHONE_CALL_RECORDING 1 // Enable voice phone call recording 4. Output - All recorded sound files will be in folder /var/tmp/Tracer/ on iOS device